Daily Short Prayers for anyone who needs them.
A prayer for Singles so that they will never feel loneliness in JESUS' Name.
A prayer for all Students Everywhere.
A Prayer for anyone who has buried a loved one.
Heavenly FATHER, we pray for everyone who is mourning the homegoing of a loved one. LORD GOD, please be very close to all who need YOU during this time of grief and mourning. Please assure those who mourn they will be comforted. YOUR Precious HOLY SPIRIT is the Comforter, and HE has the power to turn any mourning into Joy. In JESUS Name, it is so. Amen.
A prayer for those who are out of work and seeking a job.
Heavenly FATHER in the Name of JESUS We pray for everyone who is out of work and is looking for a job. We are certain that it’s not YOUR will for anyone to be out of work. We Thank YOU for making a way for everyone and giving them favor to find the perfect job that will more than just provide for their needs, let it be something they will also enjoy. We also pray that everyone grows to count it all joy when things don’t work out the way that they hope, realizing that the trying of their faith works patience in their life. We also Thank YOU for sending others to lend a helping hand until things get better. In JESUS Name, it is so. Amen
A Prayer for anyone who is facing addictions of any kind.
Heavenly FATHER in The Name of JESUS we pray for all who are in bondage to anything let them know that YOU JESUS came to preach the gospel to the poor, heal the brokenhearted, preach deliverance to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind. YOU have also promised to set at liberty those who are bruised. We thank YOU for their freedom in the now. THY Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. In JESUS Name, it is so. Amen Amen and Amen Again.
A Prayer for anyone who has been judged and condemned for their choices.
Heavenly FATHER we know YOU sent “NOT” YOUR SON JESUS into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through HIM might be Saved. Anyone who believes in HIM is not condemned. Our earnest prayer is that everyone knows that GOD Loves you and that you don’t believe the lies that the enemy tries to tell you through others because you are fearfully and wonderfully made and perfect in the skin you’re in. Get to know GOD for yourself. HE made you, and HE is too wise to make any mistakes. You are perfect! In JESUS Name, it is so. Amen