
92 Bowery St., NY 10013

+1 800 123 456 789


Welcome to Holyfield316 Online Ministry Outreach and Podcast that is good for the soul with a daily dose of GOD’S Word.

Our purpose and mission is Love, which is the strongest gift of all. But not just any type of Love, we are speaking of Agape Love.

These are the characteristics we are seeking to show on GOD THE FATHER’S behalf. Agape Love, it does not dishonor others, so it’s not our intention to dishonor anyone for any reason.

Our goal is to always shine light on GOD’S Promises for us all no matter if an individual believes or not, we are to show GOD’S Grace, allowing everyone to make the decisions that are best for them.

Another quality of agape Love is that it’s not self seeking.

It’s our earnest desire to give GOD all the Glory for anything we do and to make life better for others.

Please always thank GOD and not any of us.
We are just HIS servants here on Earth trying to bring HIM Glory.

Here’s an other characteristic of Agape Love, it is not easily angered.

We pray that as a team, we don’t take anything personally knowing that people’s individual choices and opinions have nothing to do with us.

It’s our job to pray one for another as we strive to be more like JESUS in our words, actions, and deeds.

We as a team are committed to staying neutral and if something transpires that we don’t agree with or believe in, we understand our position is to operate in LOVE, showing correction through GOD’S Word and not our opinions or feelings.

Please note that we are just like most of you, trying to get it right, asking for forgiveness in advance for anything we do that offends others because we know everyone is not going to agree with us and that’s ok because we know that it is better to obey GOD than man.

Here’s another characteristic of Agape Love that we are striving to practice: “it keeps no record of wrong”.

We understand that none of the above can be accomplished without the leading of our Spiritual Team; being totally led by THE Precious HOLY SPIRIT.

So we pray the information we share daily from GOD’S Word brings you closer to HIM, affording the opportunity for everyone to get to know GOD for themselves through a personal relationship.

Thanks for visiting, and we pray you become family.


We ask that you join, follow, and share.

Please note that we will be updating food for the soul on the regular!

Much Love and Always Blessings #TeamHolyfield316